S.B.V. Slopend
X University of Technology Delft
Mekelweg 8
2628 CD Delft
For general questions please contact the board: Bestuur@Slopend.com
With questions regarding the SurvivalStrijd: info@survivalstrijd.nl
- Chair
- Nelleke van Dijk
- +31 6 44123244
- Voorzitter@Slopend.com
- Secretary
- Anna de Ruijter
- Secretaris@Slopend.com
- Treasurer
- Max Sikkema
- Penningmeester@slopend.com
- Commissioner of External Affairs
- Benjamin Sherlock
- Extern@Slopend.com
- Commissioner of Internal Affairs
- Jochem Wichers
- Intern@Slopend.com
For questions related to rental of the terrain please contact X at Rental-X@TUDelft.nl