Windsurfing with Plankenkoorts

Written by Manfred Josefsson

On the afternoon of May 15, 12 Slopend members went windsurfing at the Valkenburgse Meer, with instruction and equipment provided from S.W.V. Plankenkoorts, a fellow student society who specialize in the fine art.

A short briefing was given on how to prepare the boards, with the steps being replicated with decent success. Those with more sense had decided to look up instructions online beforehand, others had decided to be spontaneous. After putting the boards into the water and struggling to various extent with wetsuits (which some decided to skip entirely), the actual adventure could start. What followed next could be was as comparable in elegance to newborn elephants learning to walk- unimpressive falls, followed by brief moments of success. Despite not being graceful, falling in was refreshing and the instructor flying past on his board was a reminder however that there might be cause for hope. The sounds of splashes subsided quite fast and in captivating bravery some members where soon out on ambitious voyages across the lake.

Conditions were very good- winds in the early afternoon blew people offshore and made sure they had to learn something before they were able to return. Lack of talent complicated the navigation, and the odd gust caught people of guard. The winds where a little more helpful in getting people back in towards the second half. The two hours on the water past quickly and the afternoon was round up with a few beers and discussing (the lack of) skills at the Plankenkoorts container. No engineers were forgotten or lost in Leiden and were safely able to return to Delft.

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